The cookie "trees" as my co-workers call them were bagged and tied up with a bow and a card and left on their desks this morning. Each held 11 different kinds of cookies. Everyone loved them. If you want to try to do these on a smaller scale, pick 3 or 4 different kinds of cookies and make a lot of each. It's a great way to show your appreciation of the people you spend about 8 hours a day 5 days a week with.
Don't forget the other office. I packed up and shipped off a box of cookies to our St. Cloud office so they could participate in the holiday cheer.
The next thing that got packed up (and put back in the freezer for next week) was a tin of cookies for Ben's family on Christmas Eve and two trays of cookies.
Each tray will be going to each side of Ben's family, a Christmas tray for his mom's side and a Hanukkah tray for his dad's.
Everything came out great and I gave the extra cookies to my roommate and her boyfriend and a few were left over thankfully to give to the boys for Sunday football. It was hard work but I can't explain how good it makes me feel inside to do this, I can't wait until next year. I'll plan to do it bigger and better.
I love doing this every year, and hope someday that I start taking orders and have my own bakery so I can make cookies and make people smile all year round. :)
Every single cookie was a smash hit at 'Taking Back Sunday' on Leicester St.
"It's a great way to show your appreciation of the people you spend about 8 hours a day 5 days a week with."
You really know how to butter my scones!
your cookies look really yummy... :)
Where did you put my tree? I can't seem to find it...
These look so festive! I love the cookie "trees" and wish I worked with you :)
I love the packaging!
Simple pretty yet chic!
You sure have what it takes to venture into business,
bring more joy to people! (:
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