Egg & Cheese on Toast
2 Extra Large Eggs
2 0z 50% reduced fat cheese
2 Slices of toast*
Margarine or Butter to spread
Salt & Pepper to taste
*I used Pepperage Farm Whole Wheat White. I like white bread a lot better than Whole Wheat, this is a great compromise so that you are getting the benefits of Whole Wheat with the taste of White.
Pam a pan, and place on medium heat. Once the pan is hot, crack your two eggs directly into the pan. Let cook. I kept the yolks runny so I let the eggs cook until the whites were slightly browned. If you want not runny yolks, just flip the eggs for a minute until cooked through. Add salt and pepper to taste.
While the eggs are cooking toast your bread and spread margarine or butter on the bread. Add cheese to one slice of warm, toasted bread, if the cheese needs a little help to start melting, you can pop it in the microwave for like 10 seconds. (Reduced fat cheese needs more help melting than regular cheese.) Once eggs are cooked, place on to of cheesed bread, and top with other piece of bread.
I would have served something on the side, but I was out of time, and did not want to be late to Mother's Day.
This took about 10 minutes, and was very successful, really quick, easy, and so much better for you than stopping at Dunkin Donuts for one of their greasy breakfast sandwiches. So do it yourself, becasue its just way yummier.
FAB-U-LOUS! In my house, we call them "Egg and Cheesers." Add a slice of ham that you quickly heat up in the same pan for a "Ham, Egg, and Cheeser."
My husband used to make these by the dozens to feed his bottomless pit friends, hehe. Now he makes them for me and our bottomless pit kids.
Yummy post.
Great little breakfast sandwich. If you added a slice of Taylor ham (aka pork roll) you'd be having the Jersey breakfast. If you've got good bagels there in Boston, it's even more delicious on a lightly toasted one of those. It's the greasiest and most rewarding breakfast you can have.
Speaking of Better 'n Peanut Butter. I haven't actually seen the stuff in stores but I'm not all that eager to try it anyways. That stuff has some weird ingredients, and while lower in calories, it removes the whole reason that peanut butter is healthy to begin with! The fat in peanut butter is very good you (and actually helps you lose weight when used in a diet low in other fats), as well as the fiber and protein. This Better 'n Peanut Butter stuff replaces all the good fat, fiber and protein with more carbs! They actually made it a lot worse nutritionally, but does it taste good though?
Nick, It's good. I like it, not really the texture or taste of peanut butter it almost has a bit of chocolate flavor to it. Which for me who can't eat chocolate satisfies my chocolate-peanut butter cravings. It's just like a yummy creamy snack, peanut butter substitute, I am the only person I know who loves maybe I'm just crazy.
That sounds simple and good with the warm runny egg yolks all over the cheese.
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